3CTRLS.ZIP 78,557 10-21-93 VSVBX VideoSoft Custom Controls v3.0;Optimized speed for loading/unloading yourVSVBX in your apps; Creates smaller EXE andFRM files; Around 20 new features.
3DINPUT.ZIP 37,453 08-06-93 3D-VB Input 3.0a - is a 3D text box customcontrol.
ALARM10.ZIP 29,845 11-18-93 Alarm Custom Control (VBX); This control letyou set an alarm (or multiple alarms) to gooff at a particular time(s). An event isfired at the appropriate time. You caneasily speciify times such as: 10:45pm, everhour
ANGEL19B.ZIP 239,825 06-26-93 ANGELIB 1.9b; MS PDS/BASIC 7.1 programminglibrary. 60+ routines like a horizontal barmenu, scrolling message window, and a fileselection window and printer functions suchas soft font selection and downloading, etc.N
ANIMATE1.ZIP 119,960 11-19-93 PowerBASIC 320x200x256 color PCX animation
BARCOD11.ZIP 27,213 11-18-93 Bar Code Control (VBX); BarCod makes bar coddisplay really easy. Just pick theorientation, set the size, and pick the barcode style. Then, set the text to whateveryou want the bars to be. Nothing else to do!
BASICS.ZIP 74,678 12-10-93 Puzzles For Basic Or Qbasic
BASICXR.ZIP 39,610 01-04-94 BASICXR 1.3; Basic Program Cross-ReferenceUtility. Provides Formatted program listingUser label/line number and variablecross-reference, Reserved wordcross-reference. Output to file or printer.Works for GWBasic, Qu
BASWIZ20.ZIP 272,489 07-05-93 The BASIC Wizard's Library v2.0 by Tom HanliSuperb general-purpose library with hundredsof routines for use with Microsoft BASICcompilers: QuickBasic, Bascom/PDS, and VisuaBASIC for DOS.
BB14.ZIP 385,346 06-28-93 BasicBasic; Easy program development systemfor DOS or Windows You can use to make yourown programs. Creates EXE files which can berun under DOS or Windows. Supports bothgraphics and text screens and many commandscom
BCL10.ZIP 47,459 11-17-93 BARCODES-LITE Developers Library v1.0;Through a single Microsoft BASIC call, yourapplication programs have the ability toprint high quality bar codes without the neefor specialized hardware. Bar codes includeUPC A,
BLOONVB.ZIP 25,388 10-12-93 Balloon.vbx - is a custom control thatallows you to add a unique coloredballoon help feature to your VBapplication.
BLTQ13A.ZIP 212,814 07-22-93 BULLET for Basic v1.03; Super fast, supersmall B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,multi-user database toolkit for QB, BASIC7,VB/DOS. Also available for C.
BMPLST15.ZIP 35,867 11-18-93 List Box with Bitmaps Control (VBX); Thiscontrol is a list box with bitmaps. Thebitmaps can be placed on any side of the tex(top, bottom, right, left).
BMPVWS.ZIP 9,866 10-06-93 BMP Viewer Source Code - contains VBsource code for a simple BMP fileviewing utility.
BOZOL2.ZIP 68,824 11-17-93 PowerBASIC 3.0 design App Specific Langauge
BT112.ZIP 80,659 12-30-93 Basic Training Basic Language Tutorial v1.12
CALCLTR.ZIP 117,388 01-13-94 Visual Basic for MS-DOS Calculator Programsupports mouse and keyboard input.
CLAK20.ZIP 23,606 08-03-93 CLACKER.VBX dynamic menu help custom control
CUSTCRS.ZIP 15,266 09-05-93 Custom Cursors Demo - contains code and iconfrom Mike Stanley's article on CreatingCustom Cursors in VB, from Visual BasicProgrammer's Journal
CVT_2SB.ZIP 68,811 07-01-93 CVT2SB v1.3; converts GW-BASIC programs tostructured BASIC ready to compile. Unpacksmulti-statement lines; block all "IF"statements; converts line number to labels;removes unnecessary labels; indents IF andlooping s
DBCREATE.ZIP 6,010 11-03-93 Programatic Database Creation Utility forVisual Basic v3.0. This program is used totake existing .MDB files and translate theirstructure into VB code. It is extremelysimple to use; onscreen instructions
DFINFO12.ZIP 33,331 11-18-93 Disk and File Info Control (VBX); Thiscontrol gives you disk and file informationthat VB doesn't provide. It also allows youto change some aspects of a file (attributessize, date, time, etc.).
DFQBX30.ZIP 177,569 07-19-93 DoorFrame v3.0 Doors development library forBASCOM/PDS 7.1. Has direct support for mostBBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, highscore bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
DFRAME45.ZIP 183,577 07-19-93 DoorFrame v4.5 Doors development library forQuickBasic 4.x. Has direct support for mostBBS software, COM 0 - 15, up to 115K Baud,non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, music, highscore bulletin, box and line drawing, ANSI
DFVB18.ZIP 212,833 07-19-93 DoorFrame v1.8; Online Doors developmentlibrary for Visual Basic DOS. Direct supportfor most BBS software, COM 0-15, up to 115KBaud, non-standard IRQ's, multi-nodes, musichigh score bulletin, box and line drawing,AN
DLLMS203.ZIP 42,492 10-05-93 DLL Master lists modules in MS Windows 3.1memory, with src path and filestats. Load,unload, decrement DLL use count. Multiplelists, compare, print, save. Load DLLs atstartup. Visual Basic app.
DWDOOR23.ZIP 159,053 08-25-93 DWDOOR v2.3; Library for PowerBASIC 3.0b towrite multi-line, multinode, DV/DDOScompatiable doors with simple commands.Supports PCBoard, RBBS, QBBS, GAP, Wildcatv2+3, WWIV, SPITFIRE, Ultra BBS and any BBSsystem. Als
EASYDR25.ZIP 270,397 12-22-93 *** The Easy-Door Library v2.50 ***The professional doors development libraryfor QB/PDS/VBDOS. It features: ANSI/AVATAR,Supports COM 1 to 8, Fossil/Built-in comm.,Menu routines, Box drawing, SmartColor (tm),Multitas
FMDROP10.ZIP 22,322 11-18-93 File Mgr Drag and Drop Control (VBX); Thiscustom control (VBX) notifies you when a filhas been dragged and dropped from the WindowFile Manager (FILEMAN).
FXTOOL.ZIP 418,078 09-22-93 FXTools/VB Demonstration Version 1.00ImageFX encourages you to distribute the
GADGETS.ZIP 151,569 01-27-94 Visual Basic Gadgets for Windows demo fromUniversal Dynamics
GTICON.ZIP 9,247 11-06-93 GTICON.DLL is a VisualBasic 3.0 DLL thatcontains two functions: AssignDragIcon andGetDragIcon
GTTBAR01.ZIP 25,733 11-29-93 GT Toolbar Kit v1.0 is a Visual Basic VBXwhich helps the VB programmer implement atoolbar. GTTBAR.VBX contains two customcontrols namely GTTBAR and GTPANEL.
IMDEMO2.ZIP 294,319 02-24-94 Imageman/VB demo for Visual Basic
INICON25.ZIP 24,145 11-18-93 INI File Manager Custom Control (VBX); VisuaBasic custom control that makes INI fileaccess simple. No Windows API callsrequired.
IPXSPX.ZIP 70,110 12-20-93 Visual Basic VBX For Ipx/spx Access
JJLIBS.ZIP 232,219 10-24-93 PowerBASIC routines posted on the PB BBS
JOYSTK10.ZIP 25,387 11-18-93 Joy Stick Custom Control (VBX); JoyStk givesjoystick information (movement, buttons) foryour programs. It supports both joysticks orone 3-D joystick.
LANGWN23.ZIP 388,984 11-21-93 QB Library For Making Gui Programs For DOS
LB09D.ZIP 665,615 08-10-93 Liberty Basic for Windows. GW-BASICcompatible windows programiming language.Full featured, excellent program
LOADGIF.ZIP 21,413 08-20-93 LoadGIF is a fast QB/PDS/VBDOS callableassembly function which loads GIF formatimages onto the screen.
MAILSLOT.ZIP 15,534 09-23-93 MAILSLOT.VBX - W4WG Mailslot Control (VBX)Visual Basic custom control that makesMailslot use simple. No Windows API callsrequired. Requires Windows for Workgroups.
MENUEV20.ZIP 22,942 11-18-93 Menu Event Notification Control (VBX); MenuEprovides menu selection notification. Inother words, it tells you when the user hasselected a menu item. This is really usefulfor status bar-style help. MenuEv is reallye
MENUS.ZIP 47,145 10-03-93 PB3/QB source for various menu routines
MNUSYS22.ZIP 190,774 01-13-94 MENUSYS for PowerBASIC v2.2; Completetext-mode GUI for PowerBASIC 3.0, withpull-down menus, mouse support and onlinehelp system. Also included is MENULIB, alibrary of high-level support routinesdesigned to work wit
NUMW20.ZIP 18,784 08-03-93 NUMWIN.VBX enumerate desktop windows customcontrol
PBC23A.ZIP 178,031 03-19-94 PBClone 2.3 library (1 of 3) for MS BASICs:QB, PDS, VB-DOS. Over 610 routines of alldescriptions. This archive contains thedocumentation. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
PBC23B.ZIP 108,601 03-19-94 PBClone 2.3 library (2 of 3) for MS BASICs.This archive contains the demo programs andcore libraries. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
PBC23C.ZIP 76,529 03-19-94 PBClone 2.3 library (3 of 3) for MS BASICs.This archive contains the BASIC part of thesource code. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
PBFIXES.ZIP 4,078 11-15-93 PowerBASIC 3.0 bug fixes and work arounds
PBGUI200.ZIP 157,223 07-19-93 PB GUI Toolkit v2.00, for Power Basic 3.0
PBMENUS.ZIP 54,305 09-08-93 MENUSYS for PowerBASIC: A complete text-modeGUI for Spectra's PowerBASIC 3.0, withpull-down menus, mouse support and contextsensitive help. Also included is MENULIB, alibrary of high-level support routinesdesigned t
PBTCL132.ZIP 116,895 11-26-93 PBTools:Classic 1.32, PowerBASIC 3.x LibraryThe ultimate library for PB programmers,upgraded to work with PowerBASIC 3.x andlater. Includes windowing, menus, stringhandling, and lots more. Written byN
PBVL010.ZIP 146,622 02-10-94 PB/VISION(tm) LITE v1.0 for PowerBASIC 3.0.Create graphical/text 3D windows with workincontrol icons. Fully event-driven, multi-threading, mouse aware design with as littleas 30K of overhead. Includes PowerBASIC 3.0
PBW50_43.ZIP 25,354 07-14-93 PowerBASIC 3.0 50/43 line display editor
PBWIZ19.ZIP 215,757 12-30-93 PB Wizard's Library, v1.9, for Spectra'sPowerBASIC 3.0. Over 325 routines: archive &disk dirs, SoundBlaster, mouse/kbd/joystick,256-color VGA/SVGA, EMS & XMS memory, comm,BMP pics, equation solver, time & date calc,
PCB15QB.ZIP 24,532 07-12-93 Types & code segments for accessing PCBoard15.0 files in QuickBasic 4.5 and a few .OBJlibrary functions for data conversions.
PDSMULT.ZIP 46,512 07-24-93 PDS 7.1 Multi-tasking library v1.0; Allowsyou to produce Multitasking basic programsusing the PDS 7.1 basic system fromMicroSoft.
PERCNT23.ZIP 24,198 11-18-93 Percentage Bar Custom Control (VBX); Visualbasiccustom control that displays apercentage bar. Makes status reporting verysimple. 3-D effects, fonts and colors areall user-definable.
POW_1_0.ZIP 199,733 01-19-94 POW! for PowerBASIC 3.0; An exciting newSoundblaster library for PowerBASIC 3.0,written entirely in assembly language.Includes over 40 flexible, powerful commandsthat utilize all of the Soundblaster'scapabilities.
PRNTVB12.ZIP 53,344 08-05-93 PRINTVB; Visual Basic Print Program thatformats and prints Visual Basic programsource code listings. Font type and fontsize are user selectable for the code,comments, header and title portions of yourprintout. requ
PWL521Q.ZIP 138,163 05-06-93 The #1 Windowing Toolbox for QuickBASIC 4.5.Create multiple FULL COLOR text-based virtuawindows that can be moved, scrolled,re-sized, and hidden via mouse. FullyEvent-Driven architecture permitsself-maintaining use
PWL521X.ZIP 137,371 05-06-93 The #1 Windowing Toolbox for MS BASIC PDS7.1. Create multiple FULL COLOR text-basedvirtual windows that can be moved, scrolled,re-sized, and hidden via mouse. FullyEvent-Driven architecture permitsself-maintaining
QB45MULT.ZIP 47,150 10-03-93 QB 4.5 Multi-tasking library v1.0; Librarywill allow you to produce Multitasking basicprograms using QB 4.5 basic system from MS
QBSAMPLE.ZIP 35,958 01-18-94 QuickBASIC 4.5 code to sample from theSoundblaster's Mic/ Line Input and play backsample. For free distribution.
QBSER310.ZIP 31,559 06-11-93 QBserial v3.10; Communications library forQuickBASIC 4.x, Basic Compiler 7.x, VBDOS1.x, and FOSSIL drivers. Allows programs toaccess Comm ports at rates up to 115200 baudCOM1-4 and non-standard addresses supported,o
ROTEXT12.ZIP 32,500 11-18-93 Rotated Label Custom Control (VBX); RoTextlets you put a label on your form at anyangle of rotation.
SHAD20.ZIP 18,806 08-03-93 SHADBX.VBX popup window custom control
SNDX20.ZIP 19,031 08-03-93 SNDDEX.VBX Soundex search word matchingcustom control.
SORTPROG.ZIP 81,900 09-25-93 Sortprog for PB3; Will sort your PowerBASICsource code into readable order. It groupsall executable code at the top of yourprogram, and sorts SUBs and FUNCTIONsalphabetically, optionally letting you use"dividers" be
SOUNDX11.ZIP 28,538 11-18-93 Soundex and Metaphone Control (VBX); Thiscontrol provides Soundex and Metaphonealgorithms. Soundex and Metaphone convertwords or names to codes that represent howthey "sound". This can be really useful indatabase
SVGAPV20.ZIP 228,828 03-11-94 SVGAPV.LIB v2.0; High-res, 256-color graphiclibrary for MS PDS & VBDOS. Recognizes morethan 20 SVGA cards and allows programming in320x200, 640x480, 800x600 and 1024x768256-color modes. Capabilities: hardware id,dr
TBOX100.ZIP 35,443 11-01-93 This program demos a toolbox with a minititle bar. The program contains a main form(an MDI form in this case) and a toolbox. Thtoolbox uses setWindowPos() to make itself atopmost window, and hides itself when theap
TECHTIPS.ZIP 33,959 07-15-93 PowerBASIC 3.0 collection of info & source
TG_DEMO.ZIP 148,735 08-04-93 TrueGrid Demo; Bound database table controlfor Microsoft's Visual Basic. The demosupports all of the features of the completeTrueGrid product, but will work only inVisual Basic design mode (you can't make EXEfiles w
TLSTVBX2.ZIP 22,693 11-06-93 GTLIST.VBX is a ListBox control with addedfunctionality, most notably, the ability ofthe application developer to specify precisetab stop settings. It also has three otherproperties that are not found in the standa
TOOLQB20.ZIP 96,620 11-14-93 ToolQube creates floating toolbars for yourWindows apps.
TOP-SRC.ZIP 4,720 11-17-93 TOP-SOURCE: Microsoft Basic 7.1 source codefor Powerboard TOP bulletin creatorutilities.
VB3D.ZIP 20,326 09-12-93 VBCT3D!; Simple-to-use custom control to giva 3-D look and feel to VB's built-in controland to the complete VB environment.
VBAHA121.ZIP 118,311 11-22-93 VB AHA!!! is an inexpensive and easy to useutility for writing Windows help files. Youwon't need any expensive wordprocessors orhave to use any cryptic commands. With simplmouse clicks and Drag n Drop ease you will b
VBASICV.ZIP 19,247 09-21-93 The enclosed DBF file is a dBASE III+standard database with names, addresses,phone, fax, email, etc. for every individualand firm producing Visual Basic related tooland source code for PCs.
VBBAKRES.ZIP 37,483 11-28-93 VB Backup/Restore your VB project files
VBSLID.ZIP 39,748 09-03-93 Slider VBX Control; Microsoft Windows DLLcontrol appears to the end user as a slidersimilar to those used on audio/videoequipment such as stereos, tuners, andamplifiers.
VBTBOX.ZIP 2,107 09-10-93 This is a simple demo of a floating toolboxin VB. Just load the makefile and run....
VBTIPS12.ZIP 30,677 11-29-93 Visual Basic Tips & Tricks 1.2-Windows 3.1Help File contains many VB for DOS & Windowstips and tricks. Also contains tips andtricks on Windows Help Files. Freeware!
VBTRANS.ZIP 57,087 08-17-93 Demo use of transparent pictures in Visual
VIEWMEM.ZIP 45,008 10-24-93 Viewmem - window into core memory.Written in PowerBASIC 3.0, andincludes PB3 source and .EXE.Freeware, no charge for use.
VMAG3A.ZIP 205,242 02-03-94 Electrified Visual Basic Magazine. Amagazine done as a Windows Help file. It hashypertext jumps, pop-up windows, search andprint capabilities. It has reviews ofcommercial & shareware V.B. add-ons, how toarticles,
VSPRTV11.ZIP 78,545 01-27-94 Simple Sprite/Graphics Support Library FoMicrosoft Quickbasic 4.X Or Pds 7.X. SupportVga X-Mode 320 X 200 With 256 Colors And 4Screen Pages.
WBASIC14.ZIP 757,340 10-21-93 Contains two compressed files: WBB14.ZIPBasicBasic v1.4 DOS & Windows BASICdevelopment system-Windows.
WIN_VW11.ZIP 60,980 08-12-93 WinView v1.10 is a utility which was writtento help the Visual Basic programmer snooparound a window's attibutes.
ZIPINF.ZIP 33,017 12-20-93 ZIP File Info Custom Control (VBX); Controllets you find out about the contents of a ZIfile. Access to this information is purelythrough properties.